Your Personal Power Pod

Are You Your Biggest Obstacle?

Sandy and Shannon Season 5 Episode 115

The team from Your Personal Power Pod is excited to be bringing you Season 5 of our podcast!  This season we will have new exciting episodes for you, many of which have been inspired by your suggestions.  We want to thank you for continuing to take this podcast journey with us, and look forward to hearing your comments and thoughts in the coming months.

In today’s Episode we’re looking at the possibility that you might be your biggest obstacle.  Have you experienced times when you’ve been hoping something will happen, or trying to make it happen, but for some reason things just don’t come together?  You want to overcome issues or achieve goals, but you stay stuck.  It might be that without realizing it, you are creating your own obstacles.  One part of you wants something to happen, but another part of you is getting in the way, and you might not even know it.  In today’s episode of Your Personal Power Pod, we look at how you might be your biggest obstacle.

We want to hear from you, whether it’s your stories about how self-esteem and personal power affect your life, or topics you’d like us to address in future episodes. 

We’d love for you to review our podcast. Do this on your streaming service or visit , click Contact and drop us an email. 

You can also find us on Instagram and YouTube at Your Personal Power Pod.

Also, if you’d like to make changes in your personal or business life, spending time with a coach can make all the difference.  Sandy is offering a free consultation, so contact her at and put COACHING in the subject line to schedule a free call.

Thank you for listening to Your Personal Power Pod.  We look forward to hearing from you.

And, until next time, find your power and change your life!