Your Personal Power Pod

Interview With P.K. Hallinan

Sandy and Shannon Season 4 Episode 109

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Today on Your Personal Power Pod, we’re excited to be talking with world-renowned children’s book author P.K. Hallinan.  For over 45 years P.K. has been writing and illustrating wonderful children’s books, focused on supporting and empowering young people in many ways.  Over the years he has sold almost 12 million books, and his driving force has always been to help all people be the best they can be, and then use that to serve others.  He says he wants to inspire everyone to leave “heartprints”, which he says are formed when you do something kind and your love touches others. He has also been a pastor for 25 years, and married to his wife for 40 years. In addition to all this, P.K. is a musician who enjoys singing and playing his guitar for residents of memory care facilities. He says his life goal is to help as many people as he can, without expecting anything in return.

Today P.K. will share with us how he accomplished all these things, and the role self-esteem and personal power played in his success.

We want to hear from you, whether it’s your stories about how self-esteem and personal power affect your life, or topics you’d like us to address in future episodes. 

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Also, if you’d like to make changes in your personal or business life, spending time with a coach can make all the difference.  Sandy is offering a free consultation, so contact her at and put COACHING in the subject line to schedule a free call.

Thank you for listening to Your Personal Power Pod.  We look forward to hearing from you.

And, until next time, find your power and change your life!